ADVENTURE LIKE A LOCAL: Tutka bay hideaway

Who knew Alaska had starfish? (Mark B. knew!)

The highlights:

Location: Tutka Bay Yurt 1 (near homer)

Time of Year: June

Duration: 3 Days

Stay in a private yurt along a fjord with great views, hiking, paddling, and wildlife!

The full trip:

Book your Yurt at least 6 months in advance!

Mako's water taxi
Schedule a Mako's water taxi to deliver you, your group, your supplies and Mako-provided sea kayaks to the secluded beach near the Yurt. Mako's does this all the time, so they will load all your stuff and the kayaks and drop you off exactly where you need to be.

HINT: Mako is a person, not a shark, and he pronounces his name "mah-ko."

There is definitely always bears out there; you will see one or you will see evidence of them. Be prepared, aware, and use the bear box for your food.

If you want to bring your dog, remember your dog will easily board the water taxi at the harbor, but when you are at the beach, there is nothing but a 6-foot step ladder for loading and unloading. Be prepared to lift your dog, or teach it to climb ladders beforehand.

Other people's dogs may have slept in the yurt the night before you arrive. Check your sleeping area if you are allergic or if you want to avoid fleas.

Tie up the boats! The tides in this area are dramatic, and you will be surprised how high up it comes each day. Drag the boats WAY up the bank and tie them up good.

If you are lucky enough to book the yurt during a negative low tide, you are in for a wonderful tide-pooling experience!

There is an incredible hike with a trailhead located at the yurt. It is long and steep, but there are great views all along the way. We did the hike on our first day there while we were feeling rested. The view from the top is worth going all the way for; you can see over both sides of the peninsula, you can see to the back of the bay, and all the way out to Homer.

You can paddle the kayaks 5 mi to the backend of the bay where there is a great waterfall for viewing. However, the wind is usually working against you on the return paddle to the yurt, so don't try it if the wind is blowing.


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